
Doüčlènd dè tincoi BB dè bio

Atāčen-wa Doüčlènd dè tincoi dè bio:

HEINECKEN, or HEINECKE, CHRISTIAN HEINRICH, born at Lübeck, the 6th February, 1721, was the son of the painter Paul Heinecken, and younger brother of Karl Heinrich Heinecken, also an artist, and a writer on the fine arts. Christian Heinrich was an extraordinarily precocious child. At the age of ten months he could speak and repeat every word which was said to him: when twelve months old he knew by heart the principal events narrated in the Pentateuch : in his second year he learned the greater part of the history of the Bible, both of the Old and New Testaments: in his third year he could reply to most questions on universal history and geography, and in the same year he learned to speak Latin and French: in his fourth year he employed himself with the study of religion and the history of the Church, and he was able not only to repeat what he had read, but also to reason upon it, and express his own judgment.  The fame of this wonderful child spread widely, and many persons resorted to Lübeck on purpose to see and hear him,. The king of Denmark wishing to see him, he was taken to Copenhagen, and there examined before the court, and pronounced to be a wonder. On his return home he learned to write, but his constitution being weak, he shortly after fell ill. Though he rallied for a time, he soon relapsed, and died on the 27th June, 1725, without, it is said, showing much uneasiness at the approach of death. His teacher, Christian Von Schöneich, pub-lished a narrative of his life, Sva, Lübeck, 1726, and his account is confirmed by many respectable contemporary authorities; among others Hirsching, in his 'Historisch-literarisches Handbuch,' 3rd part, pp. 62-64; the 'Deutsche Bibliothek,' vol. 17; and by most of the journals of the time. See also Jöcher, Gelchrtenlexicon, vol. ii., p. 1454,
and the 'Allgemeine Encyklopädie der Wissenschaften und Kunst,' Leipzig, 1829, art. 'Heinecken.' Martini published a dissertation at Lübeck, 1730, in which he endea-voured to account for the circumstances of the child's early development of intellect.

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克萊斯頓·腓特烈·海尼根(德語:Christian Heinrich Heineken,其姓亦作海拿克HEINECKE),生於呂貝克,1721年2月6日出生,是畫家保羅·海尼根的兒子,有一位也是一個畫家及有關藝術的作家的哥哥卡爾·海因里希·海尼根。海因里希是一個非常早熟的孩子。十個月的年齡,他會重複別人對他說的每一個字;12個月大時,他從心裡知道別人給他敘述的摩西五經主要事件:在他的第二年,他學會了更大的一部分的歷史“聖經”的舊約和新約:在他的第三個年頭,他可以回答大多數問題對世界歷史和地理,並在同一年,他學會了講拉丁語和法語,在他的第四年,他僱用自己對宗教的研究和教會歷史,他不僅重複他讀了什麼,而且在它的原因,並表示自己的判斷。這個美好的孩子在名利的廣為傳播,很多人使出呂貝克的目的,他看到和聽到的,。丹麥國王希望看到他,他到哥本哈根,並有檢查在法庭上,明顯是一個奇蹟。在他返回家中,他學會了寫字,但他的體格弱,他不久後病倒了。雖然他反彈了一段時間,他很快復發,死於1725年6月27日,沒有,這是說,在死刑的做法,表現出太多的不安。他的老師,基督教馮Schöneich報,酒吧了一個敘述他的生活,上廣電,呂貝克,1726年,和許多可敬的當代當局證實,他的賬戶,其中包括Hirsching,在他的“歷史,literarisches的Handbuch,第三部分,第。62-64“德意志藏書”,第二卷。 17;和大多數的期刊的時間。也見Jöcher,Gelchrtenlexicon卷。二電話號碼。 1454年, “匯報Encyklopädie德學問和孔斯特”,萊比錫,1829年,藝術。 “Heinecken。”馬天尼發表的論文在呂貝克,1730年,在他endea voured考慮到孩子的早期智力發展的情況。
